Protected Designation of Origin

Cooperation, honesty and social responsibility

Protected Designation of Origin2019-06-19T19:23:13+02:00

Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Iznalloz is aware of the need to ensure that the oil it produces and packages meets the necessary requirements so as not to harm the health of consumers

In order to fully meet the needs of our customers, we have established an INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT POLICY based on the principles of cooperation, honesty and social responsibility.

  • Comply with all legal requirements stipulated by current legislation on food safety, and occupational and environmental safety.
  • Comply with the quality standards established for the products as well as with any additional requirements and commitments defined with the clients.
  • Continuously strive to improve products and processes.
  • Establish a mutually beneficial relationships with customers to understand their needs and meet their expectations.
  • Develop partnerships with suppliers which result in mutual growth.
  • To promote a pleasant and positive working environment that favours communication, development and employee participation.
  • Promote the active participation of all workers by providing the necessary information and training needed to carry out their duties and ensuring the professional development of each one of them.
  • Collaborate with as many organisations as necessary in order to improve the products and services provided.
  • Collaborate on and promote socially responsible initiatives that benefit the region.

  • Promote a culture of respect for the environment that surrounds us and reduce the environmental impact of the activities carried out.
  • Reduce the waste generated and treat it appropriately.
  • Minimise the consumption of resources and optimise their use.


Certified Quality is the hallmark with which the Regional Government of Andalusia recognises products of differentiated quality that are produced under specific quality controls. Following the relevant application, certification and enrolment in the Register, this mark may be used by: products covered by the Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications, Traditional Specialities Guaranteed, or of Organic and Integrated Production, as well as agri-food and fishery products certified by authorised bodies.

Designation of Origin Montes de Granada

It covers extra virgin olive oils that meet all the requirements set out in their Specifications. These specifications take effect from the harvesting of the olives, which must be produced in olive groves within the protected geographical area, to the bottling and labelling, and include production standards, which the mill can prove by means of its traceability system.
The packaging of this olive oil, which must be ‘extra virgin’, features back labels provided by the Regulatory Council, with an alphanumeric code and a stamp (or mark) of conformity of the Protected Designation of Origin ‘Montes de Granada’.

Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)

Protected Designation of Origin is the name given to a product whose production, processing and preparation must take place in a specific geographical area with recognised and proven expertise.

IZNAOLIVA ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2019. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Granada.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Una Manera de Hacer Europa.